Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I know that I have not posted for a while and I know that when I last did it was just a super short one.  You see I have this problem....it's called a book. I LOVE to read and when I do I cannot put them down.  I get the necessities done...feeding kids, doing laundry, baths (me & the children), pick-ups & drop offs, etc. but everything else has to wait. Sorry, just how it is.

I've decided that I may have to put myself on a book diet.  I may have to start counting pages instead of calories.  It's just hard to summon the will power to put it down sometimes, especially now.  I've somewhat been on a book diet the past year & a half called the baby diet.  It's not working that well anymore now that she's 19 months.  Oh well, such is life, I guess it could be worse.

I am succeeding on one of my "diets" though.  This last week I lost 2.2 more pounds bringing my total to 63.2 pounds.  I'm still doing really well, probably helps that I don't like to eat while I read...heeyyyy, maybe I don't need to cut down on the reading!  I guess I'll just need to make blogging one of the "necessities".


  1. Nice job on the loss!

    I know what you mean about the books. I just finished the last 50 Shades of Grey and don't even know what to do with myself :)

    1. I had withdrawals after 50 Shades, not knowing what to read next. I think I've gotten past it now, but good luck to you!!

  2. Awesome job on the weight loss!! Ok...this post is sooo me! I am a major bookworm. I could lose days of my life inside a book! My mother was a librarian and I grew up in libraries. Even worked there in high school. Books are in our blood! I love them and I have so many books that I can't part with. I finally got a kindle which means I can download tons of books. My book addiction is getting worse!! I found a way that I can read and get things done though . Audible.com! I listen to audiobooks while I'm walking, cleaning etc. Maybe we should start a support group for this!! LOL

    1. Just the smell of books.....

      I just picked up a new book this morning. Ran my hands over it, smelled it, and set it down. Now it's taunting me from the coffee table, but I will get some stuff done 1st before I lose myself. Is 9am too early for the babies nap time? :-)

      You could be right, a support group might be in order. I'll have to check audible.
