I want:
To be able to sit in a chair without worrying about it's size or having to perch on the edge of it.To wear a bra that doesn't ride up and underwear that don't roll down under the "belly hang".
To take my kids to an amusement park AND ride the rides with them.
To shop in a "regular" sized store.
To be able to mow the lawn or do yard work without it feeling like I need to rest or die.
To sit in a booth at a restaurant and not worry about fitting.
To ride in the passenger seat of someones car and not feel ginormous. Or lock the darn seat belt because I pull it out too far when I have to put it on.
To water ski again and take my kids to Bogus (local ski resort).
To be a healthy example for my kids and be here for them as long as I possibly can.
To finish painting my house and not worry about having to be on a ladder. (Those suckers have weight limits you know!)
To polish my toenails without thinking they are soooo far down there and having to hold my breath when I bend in half to reach them.
To have energy.
To not avoid social gatherings, like my husband's Christmas party, because I feel embarrassed.
To value myself for who I am and care enough to take care of me. (This one can be particularly tough, especially when you like taking care of the other people you love.)
To ride a motor cycle trail riding again (to Blackwell Lake)
Love the honesty in this list. I can definitely relate.